Billionaire daddy by Claire Adams

Billionaire daddy Book Cover Billionaire daddy
Claire Adams
Romantik - Erotisk - Millionær - Enlig far
Amazon Digital Services LLC

Falling in love with her billionaire boss was the last thing she expected...especially since he was a single dad...

Maddox Moore already made a name for himself as a chef and successful restaurant owner before life threw a wrench into his own plans, and now he’s a multi-billionaire single father who doesn’t have time for anything outside of work and his kiddo.

After a night at a charity event, Maddox makes the sudden decision to bid on a date with a beautiful red-headed woman Evelyn, and twenty thousand dollars later, he wins her for the night.

He soon realizes that one night isn’t enough…he wants more of her. Too bad she’s not interested…yet. Can Maddox win her over without spilling too many of his secrets in the process, or will his desire for her have him baring all?

Billionaire Daddy is a steamy standalone single dad billionaire boss romance novel. No cheating. No cliffhangers. HEA. Includes 4 bonus novels for a limited time.

Min vurdering:

Det er så svært, at beskrive denne roman i nogle få sætninger. Den har så meget.
Du bliver grebet af hovedpersonerne og føler med dem. Claire Adams har skrevet historien og karaktererne så realistiske.
Jeg blev fanget af novellen fra starten. Den er sjov, trist og rørende.
De to hovedpersoner har deres egne karrierer, som de ofrer alt for – indtil livet tager fat i dem. Eller skal jeg skrive kærligheden.
De kæmper med deres følelser og at de skal ændre tingene og målene de har sat sig.

Jeg blev virkelig ikke skuffet over bogen, og oplægget passer til romanen.

Bare en ting. Nogle gange bliver det lidt for meget, at høre om deres tvivl om, at ændre sig, men er livet ikke sådan. Jeg tror det er.
Absolut værd at læse!


My opinion:

It is so difficult to describe this Novel in a few sentences. It has so much. You get moved by the characters and feel with them. Claire Adams has made the story and the characters so realistic.
I was caught in the Novel from the start. It is funny, sad and moving.
The two main characters has their own carriers which they sacrifies everything for – until life catches up with them. Or should I write love.
They struggle with their feelings and that they have to change things and goals.
I was really not disappointed in the book and the blurb fits the Novel.
Just one thing. Sometimes it gets a bit too much to hear about their doubts of changing but is life not like that. I think it is.
Absolutely worth reading!

Genre: Enlig far, Erotisk, Millionær, Romantik, Sjov