Rock Hard Mountain Man by Rye Hart

Rock Hard Mountain Man Book Cover Rock Hard Mountain Man
Rock Hard
Rye Hart
Romantik - Erotisk - Millionær - Jomfru
Amazon Digital Services LLC

Landing a personal chef job was my ONE big break.
Though, I never expected to come face-to-face with the kinky star of my virgin fantasies.
Tyler Jenner is a sexy billionaire and mountain man - with a RAVENOUS appetite.
And he’s packing more wood than all of Colorado.
He tells me to serve him meat and potatoes.
Meanwhile he wants to serve me some of his own meat.
Can you believe this guy?
I’m not biting.
I’ve got too much on the line.

This mountain billionaire will have to find another cherry to pop.

When I saw Maggie walk into my lodge, I wanted her right there.
I give her a flash of the mountain monster and she told me to screw off.
She acted like I was some kind of animal. It pissed me off. Not because she was wrong - I am an animal.
But this animal has women lining up for miles to get a glimpse of the log I’m packing in my jeans.
Before long I’ll own this chef. In my bed. In my bathroom. In my kitchen – and she’ll be begging me for more.
But if she thinks she can fix this crooked mountain beast’s heart - she’s got another thing coming.
I’ve got my baggage and she’s got hers. I’m not letting this woman interfere with my life.

No matter how much I CRAVE her.

Min vurdering:

Jeg kunne godt lide romantikken i denne bog, men et par uoverensstemmelser gjorde det vanskeligt, at komme ind i konfliktdelen af historien.

Tyler er en rig entreprenør, der ønsker at udvikle byen, og Maggie overraskes af det, men alting viser sig at blive godt i sidste ende.
Konflikten forsvinder, men det giver læseren indtryk af, at personerne er fiktive, fordi det virker for hurtigt og for overfladisk.

Men jeg er dog fanget. Du kan mærke følelserne mellem personerne, når du læser om Maggie og Tyler.
Jeg elsker, hvordan denne bog blev skrevet, og jeg kan ikke vente med at læse mere fra Rye.
Men jeg kan sige dette, hent denne bog. Du bliver ikke skuffet overhovedet.


My opinion:

I liked the romance in this book, but a few inconsistencies made it difficult to really get into the conflict part of the story.
Tyler is a rich developer who wants to buy out the town, and she is choked by it but everything turns out well in the end. The conflict disappears, but it gives the reader the impression that the characters are fictional because it works too fast and too superficial.
But I am hooked. You can feel the emotions pouring off the page as you read about Maggie and Tyler.
I love how this book was written and I really cant wait to read more from Rye.
But I can say this, pick up this book. You will not be disappointed at all.

Genre: Alfahan, Bad boy, Erotisk, Millionær, Romantik, Virgin
Series: Rock Hard |