Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy
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I needed a girlfriend, so I bought one.
Well, I tried, but Shawna's not the compliant type.
She's sassy, full of spice, and everything nice.
Not to mention an a@s any man would die for.
But, in Vegas, anything is possible.
Because in this town, I'm a f#@king boss.
Unfortunately, a company I've been trying to buy won't give me the time of day because they don't TRUST ME. For f#@k's sake!
I need a girlfriend to show I'm steady and trustworthy.
Shawna is the perfect candidate and one of the only waitresses at my casino who hasn't slept with me.
And she's just been evicted from her apartment because of her stalker ex-boyfriend.
Perfect timing!
She needs my money and protection. I need her soft body in my arms.
Shawna, will you be my... fake girlfriend?
Min mening:
Denne roman har det hele.
Den har to hovedpersoner, der har været gennem meget ondt i kærlighedens spil.
Den ene har en kæreste, der ikke er klar over, hvornår man skal stoppe.
To hovedpersoner, der har et brændende ønske om hinanden. En fantastisk kemi. Men det gør ondt at åbne sig og tage chancen.
De vil gøre alt for hinanden, men på grund af manglende kommunikation er der nogle misforståelser.
Hvad der sker? Læs denne fantastiske roman og find ud af det.
Kira Blakely har gjort det igen!
My opinion:
This Novel has it all.
It got two main characters that has been hurt in the lovegame.
It has a boyfriend who is not realising when to stop.
Two main characters who has got a burning desire for each other. An amazing chemistry. But are to hurt to open up and take the chance.
They will do everything for each other but because of lack of communication there are some misunderstandings.
What happens? Read this amazing Novel and find out.
Kira Blakely has done it again!