Romantik - Erotisk - Millionær - BDSM
Amazon Digital Services LLC

I'm plucking her Shamrock on St. Patrick's Day.
Jade is 19 years old, with curves more luscious than the rolling green hills of Ireland.
I guess it’s the luck of the Irish that I get to claim her as my own.
But that’s because she was unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
While she was studying in Ireland, she may have witnessed my dad—a notorious Irish gangster—commit a crime.
He sends me to Boston to find out what she knows and deal with it if necessary.
The job is supposed to be easy:
Get in, get out, move on— everything I’m used to doing without a hitch.
The set-up makes this job even easier and it comes with a perk:
She’ll willingly sell herself to me at an auction, without knowing why I’m there.
I’ll purchase her body— and win her trust— at any price.
Dominating her is a treat as sweet as sin.
When I find out she's a virgin, that's the cherry on top.
A cherry I get to pop!
But this job is about to have a major f*cking hitch.
Both of us enjoy what I do to break her spirit and earn her trust, a little more than we should.
After I buy her body, will she steal my heart?
*Sold on St. Patrick's Day is a standalone romance novella with no cliffhanger and no cheating. It features a dominant billionaire bad boy alpha male, a feisty BBW and a HEA. This story is a short and super steamy St. Patrick’s Day treat.
Min vurdering:
En bog, hvor der på meget få sider rigtig mange ting i handlingen.
Hovedpersonerne ændrer deres liv i løbet af en uge.
Jeg synes, at der på de få sider sker alt for meget. Den kvindelige hovedperson – Jade på 19 år – er lidt for naiv og overmodig. Den mandlige – Gavin – har “mørke” sider og en mafia far. Grundet omstændigheder er de sammen og så sker der en masse ændringer.
Kunne ønske mig, at der var mere dybde i handlingen samt, at det ikke gik så hurtigt.
Kort og hurtig læst.
My opinion:
A book, which in very few pages has a lot of action happening.
The main characters changes their lives in the course of a week.
I think that, on the few pages in the story, everything happens too fast and there is too much.
The female character – Jade who is 19 years young – is a little too naive and overconfident. The male – Gavin – has “dark” sides and a mafia father. Due to circumstances they are together and so there are lots of changes.
Could wish that, there was more depth to the action and that it did not went so fast. More pages would be nice.
Short and quick read.