Bad boys of summer
Romantik - Erotisk - Sport - Sjov - Teenage - Virgin
Amazon Digital Services LLC

She’s never been to first, second, or third base.
She’s never learned how to handle a bat, or had anyone in her dug out.
She’s in need of some serious training.
I’m a pro athlete and just the man for the job.
Where do I begin?
Not only is Grace a virgin, she’s a nerd to boot.
Twenty-one-years-old, hopelessly innocent, clueless beyond belief.
She's beautiful and smart. But she has no idea how to use those curves she’s been given.
Seriously, she’s a work of art. Makes me harder than my baseball bat.
They say she’s off limits, but I play dirty.
I’ll steal my way to third base easily.
One look at her, and I know it.
Spring training is the perfect time to score a home run.
Min vurdering:
Jeg elskede bare denne bog. Den fangede mig fra første side.
Kemien er så godt beskrevet mellem hovedpersonerne, at bare må læse videre.
Historien kunne finde sted overalt. Det virker realistisk!
Historien foregår omkring et baseballhold, men det er ikke det vigtigste emne overhovedet, så hvis du er til romantik er den helt klart noget for dig.
Den har sekvenser, hvor man bare må grine, få en lille tåre i øjet – du kommer igennem næsten alle følelser sammen med dette par.
Historien om to personer, der udvikler sig og tager nye mål i livet, er bare værd at læse!
My opinion:
I just loved this book. I captivated me from page one.
The chemistry is so well described between the main characters.
The storyline could be taken place everywhere. It is realistic!
Is about baseball but that is not the main topic at all, so if you are into romance this is for you.
It has sequences where you have to laugh, take a grin, have a small tear in your eye – you get through almost every feelings with this couple.
The story about two people developing and taking new goals in life is just worth reading!