Romantik - Erotisk

There wasn’t a woman alive that I couldn’t have…and I wanted them all.
I knew that I had to have Cameron the first time that I saw her. She was beautiful and the fire in her eyes was hard to deny. It was only a matter of time before I made her mine. With my hard body, bike and tattoos, I was irresistible and I had never met a woman yet that wouldn’t drop her panties for me.
Once I got a girl in my head, there was nothing in the world that was going to save her from Joel Radici. Sure she can fight it, think that she has a choice.
Cameron can tell me that she doesn’t like bad boys. She can try and scare me off with that haughty look all she wants. None of that matters to me one bit. Because I already claimed that curvy body of hers and I was going to make her mine.
I didn’t matter what the cost, Cameron was going to be underneath me soon enough, screaming out my name for more. How could she deny me, when I know what it is that she really needs?
Ny udgivelse den 8. marts 2017.
Always Mine fra Lauren Wood.
Kan absolut anbefales at læse. Kort, men velskrevet. Man følger Joel, som er ven til Carlos fra bogen Only mine.
De to hovedpersoner har store problemer og erfaringer med i bagagen, som gør det er svært for dem, at binde sig eller i det hele taget overgive sig til en anden. De skal lære, at åbne sig og turde tage chancen i et forhold, hvor man skal vise sine følelser og håbe på, at det ikke sårer en.
En bog, hvor man i flere tilfælde kan relatere til personerne i handlingen.
New release March 8, 2017.
Always Mine from Lauren Wood.
Can definitely recommend to read it. Short but well written.
You follow Joel, who is friend to Carlos from the book Only mine.
The two main characters have big problems and experiences as their luggage, which makes it difficult for them to bind or altogether surrendering to another.
They need to learn to open up and dare to take the chance in a relationship, where you have to show feelings and hope that it does not hurt one.
A book, where you in many cases can relate to the characters.