Romantik - Erotisk - Jomfru/moden mand - Office
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All my naughty office fantasies are about to be satisfied
I've waited five long years for this. Now suddenly Carly appears at one of my companies, applying for an intern job. It's like she's plopped into my lap.
Is it wrong to want to finally claim her as all mine?
I used to be her man of the house and now I'm gonna be her boss.
Does that make her doubly off limits?
Ask me do I give a f**k.
I'm certain you know my answer.
I do what I want and take what I want.
I'm a billionaire boss with some very strong demands. And some very unusual office policies.
I had no choice but to leave her five years ago but now I have her working under me, she's never getting away.
No wonder she tells me I'm such a Bossy Daddy.
Min vurdering:
Mia Madison skuffer aldrig. Denne bog er fyldt med handling fra første side. Kort med god.
En bog med erotiske scener og grin. Fortæller om skæbner, som griber en. Masser af kemi mellem hovedpersonerne.
Scener virkelig godt skrevet, så de får læseren med i fortællingen.
Trods det er en bog med en jomfru og en mand, som er lidt ældre end hende, så er dette ikke et emne, som decideret overtager handlingen i bogen.
Absolut en af mine foretrukne.
My opinion:
Mia Madison never disappoints. This book is full of action from the first page. Short but good.
A book with erotic scenes and lots of laughing and grins. Tells about fates who you gets to know. Lots of chemistry between the main characters.
Scenes really well written so they bring the reader into the story.
Despite it’s a book with a virgin and a man who is a little older than her, this is not a topic that takes over the storyline.
Definitely one of my favorites.