Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy - Alfahan
Amazon Digital Services LLC
06. sept. 2017

Khalid Safiy al Din is the black sheep of the royal family and a fourth son who runs a conglomerate and chases everything in skirt.
Jean Cross is an activist who doesn’t suffer fools gladly and would do anything to fight the royal family in Zamuna to get justice. For all her hard exterior though Jean is a die-hard romantic; and when Jean and her friends teasingly create a Bed a Billionaire challenge, she subconsciously enters into the game.
When this unlikely pair meet, sparks fly and they are soon entangled in passion that gives birth to several scandalous nights. But when Jean discovers who Khalid really is, all hell breaks loose. Can this noble Prince convince her that his love for her is real? And can Jean really convince Khalid that she fell for him and not his wealth?
Warning: This ebook contains mature content and is suitable for 18+ readers only
Min vurdering:
Jeg kunne godt lide oplægget til denne historie. Det passer til historien.
Jean Cross er en aktivist for kvinders rettigheder. Khalid er medlem af den kongelige familie i Zamuna, men han har sit eget firma, der har gjort ham til milliardær.
Historien var lidt forvirret gennem handlingen. Dette på grund af fejl i tidslinjen, og fordi forfatteren vidste, hvad der skal ske og hvorfor, men ikke skrev det ned, så læseren kunne forstå det. Men bortset fra det, synes jeg denne historie er kort og sjov læsning. Der er masser af lidenskab og nogle erotiske scener. En meget abrupt afslutning, der kunne have været lidt længere og med en epilog.
My opinion:
I liked the blurb for this story. It suits the story. Jean Cross is an activist for women rights. Khalid is a member of the royal family of Zamuna but he has his own firm that has made him a billionaire. The story line was a bit confused through the story. This because of mistakes in the timeline and because the author knew what should happen and why but did not write it down so the reader could understand it. But apart from that I find this story a short and enjoyable read. There is lots of passion and some hot scenes. A very abrupt ending that could have been a bit longer and with an epilogue.