Romantik - Erotisk - Teenage pige/moden mand
Amazon Digital Services LLC

"Hot. Irresistible. Exciting. More man than I ever had in my life."
Andrew: Fate takes my sister and her husband and suddenly, I'm a single dad to seven-month-old Lucy. I love her to bits but the little moppet didn't come with a manual. Luckily, my friend's daughter agrees to help out while I find a permanent nanny. Melissa flies into Heathrow like a breath of fresh air in my gloom. I wasn't supposed to fall for the sweet face and soft curves of the babysitter, but I did, hook, line, and sinker. When it's time for her to leave, how will I ever be able to let her go ...?
Melissa: Six weeks babysitting, and then I'll have the time of my life in Paris, Amsterdam, and Rome. But I wasn't counting on dad's friend, Andrew, lighting a fire in me hotter than the blazes he puts out. Dad isn't happy, not happy at all … but the thought of Paris for one suddenly seems like the worst idea of all time. How can I enjoy Europe when I know how much I'll be leaving behind?
Min vurdering:
Andrew er 42 år og har lige mistet sin søster og svoger i en trafikulykke. Han bliver værge for den 7 måneder gamle pige Lucy. Andrews bedste vens datter tilbyder, at komme i 6 uger og hjælpe som babysitter. Hun hedder Melissa og er 21 år. Melissa vil kombinere opholdet hos Andrew i England med en Europarejse.
Der opstår kemi mellem de to personer og historien går så på om de vil overgive sig til denne. Hvad siger deres samvittighed?
Mia Madison hører bestemt til en af mine favoritforfattere i denne genre. Hun skriver levende og man får alle personernes følelser med. Denne historie er skrevet fra begge siders syn og giver derfor kendskab til tanker, som ellers ville have været irritationsskabende hos læseren.
Der er smil, grin og frustration i historien. Den er kort, men fængende og tiden værd.
Kan absolut anbefales til en god eftermiddags læsning.
Indeholder erotiske scener.
Anbefales 18+.
Kan købes som ebog på engelsk.
My opinion:
Andrew is 42 and has just lost his sister and brother-in-law in a traffic accident. He becomes guardian for the seven months old girl Lucy.
Andrews best friend’s daughter offers tocome in six weeks and help as a babysitter. Her name is Melissa and is 21 years old. Melissa will combine her stay with Andrew in England with an European tour.
There arises chemistry between the two characters and the story then goes on whether to surrender to this. What does their conscience say?
Mia Madison belongs to one of my favorite authors in this genre. She writes very living and you get all the characters’ emotions.
This story is written from both sides vision and therefore you get knowledge of the thoughts that otherwise would have been irritating the reader.
There are smiles, laughter and frustration in the history. It is short but catchy and worth the time.
Can definitely recommended for a good afternoon reading.
Contains sexual scenes.
Recommended 18+.
Available as eBook in English.