Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy
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You Should Never Mix Business with Pleasure
... Especially When Your Business is Pleasure
I've never mixed business with pleasure, even though my business is pleasure. I pamper and please my clients every night, and then head straight home to sleep and study for class the next day.
The seductive lure of dancing was just that, a lure. Beneath the sultry profession lies a slippery underworld. Letting your guard down is dangerous. Especially when you're tempted to do so by your club's owner.
Give her two minutes and any dancer you pull will give up her sob story about how she ended up in a place like this. Regardless of the path, they're all the same: money and status are the motive.
Blair's different. Plenty of dancers know their way around a pole. Blair knows her way around your heart. She swirls her hips slow and syrupy, like she's churning ice cream. And the whole time she's working you, her bedroom eyes stare straight into your soul.
She's one of the club's biggest moneymakers.
She's also my biggest fantasy.
Business with Pleasure is a standalone romance with no cheating, no cliffhangers, and a happily ever after guaranteed. Click to read this steamy tale.
Min vurdering:
Blair og Cam er hovedpersonerne i denne historie.
Blair arbejder som danser i en stripklub for, at betale hendes skole og regningerne, som tordner sig op. Ejeren af klubben hedder Cam og han er tiltrukket af Blair.
Deres kemi er beskrevet meget levende og man bliver betaget af de to hovedpersoner.
Plottet virker dog meget lidt overraskende og man forventer det helt klart uden de store overraskelser i handlingen.
Er vild med Mia Madison som forfatter. Hendes bøger har gode personbeskrivelser og handlingerne har ofte en lille drejning.
My opinion:
Blair and Cam are the main characters of this story.
Blair works as a dancer in a strip club to pay her tuition and the bills. The owner of the club is called Cam and he is attracted to Blair.
Their chemistry is described very vividly and you are taken by the two main characters.
The plot, however, seems very little surprising and you expect it without the big surprises in the action.
Love Mia Madison as an author. Her books have good personal descriptions and the actions often have a slight twist.
Absolutely a short book worth reading.