Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy - Alfahan
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She has her price, and I’m paying
They killed my best friend, and they’re coming for me next
I got out of Detroit that night, and I’ve been on the road ever since
But twelve hundred miles from the Mexican border,
This pretty, pouty little redhead stops me in my tracks
She looks like trouble, alright
I need to buy a wife if I want to make it out of this country alive
I’m gonna take her and make her mine.
It’s not often a bad boy with a suitcase full of stolen cash comes through my diner
Even less often a guy walks in and I immediately picture us getting dirty in the back room
We make a deal: help him cross the border and the cash is mine
He wants me to pose as his wife. That’ll cost him 20 grand
Everything else comes free…
Min vurdering:
Cole har problemer og er på flugt. Han møder Luna og deres kemi fænger fra første gang deres øjne mødes.
Men Luna har også problemer på grund af hendes fars spillegæld. Kan de hjælpe hinanden?
Det er bog med erotik og spænding, farligt, drama, mord, romantik og sexede erotiske scener! Det er denne slags bog, hvor der sker noget og fanger dig fra side et og du skal bare læses videre. Jeg elsker denne historie så meget, og jeg er venter spændt på, hvad der kommer næste gang fra Layla Valentine.
Denne bog er velskrevet og hovedpersonerne er også godt beskrevet. Historien har et hurtigt tempo og er fuld af handling.
My opinion:
Cole has problems and is on the run. He meets Luna and their chemistry burns from the first time their eyes meet.
But Luna has also got problems because of her fathers gambling debts. Can they help each other?
It is hot and exciting, dangerous, drama, murder, romance and steamy hot erotic scenes! It is this kind of book that has action and hooks you from page one and just have to read on. I love this story so much and I am excited what comes next from Layla Valentine.
This book is well written and the main characters so well described. The storyline has a fast pace and full of action.