Romantik - Erotisk - MFM
Amazon Digital Services LLC

This untouched princess is ours.
We’re royal, rich, and we’ve both got absolutely enormous… castles. Women practically line up for our princely pleasures - and if they’re lucky, we’ll even share the same woman.
Nothing’s off limits for the two of us, no matter how dirty.
That makes us the worst possible suitors for Katarina, the virginal crown princess of Tomassia. She needs to get married and give her kingdom an heir yesterday, but the Princess is totally innocent, inexperienced, and untouched - and we’re not the marrying types.
But this sweet princess is pure temptation. She’s got curves that could tempt a monk, lips made for being bitten, and eyes that just beg us to dominate and control her.
Just one night? Yeah, that won’t be enough. Her father doesn’t want us both marrying her, but that won’t stop us.
We’re going to make our princess scream our names. We’re going to make her ours.
And we’re going to give her the heirs she needs.
No matter what.
Double Dirty Royals is a very steamy book about two princes who fall for the same princess, and won’t let anything get between them and her! It’s an MFM menage, which means that it’s all about her - there’s no M/M action.
Min vurdering:
ELSKEDE denne historie og især de to prinser!
Som altid har Parker Grey udgivet en bog, der er sjov, sexet, dampende og man får stadig en fantastisk historie, så det ikke virker som porno.
Bogen er skrevet i første person, så du kan følge tankerne karaktererne har. Jeg elsker, at jeg får at vide, hvad de mener.
Ikke den store overraskelse, når det kommer til HEA. Du kan selvfølgelig følge med fra starten af bogen, og du ved bare det ender med det.
Når Parker Grey beskriver en sexscene gør hun det så godt, at det bliver erotisk og intimt og derfor ikke porno!
Sjov drejninger og absolut værd at købe og læsbar!
Ser frem til den næste bog!
My opinion:
LOVED this story line and the two Princes!
As always Parker Grey have published a book that is fun, sexy, steamy and still got a great story so it is not all porn.
The book is written in first person so you can follow the thoughts of the characters. I love that I get to know what they think.
Not the big guessing when it comes to HEA. You can of course follow the lead and you just know it ends with that.
When Parker Grey describes an erotic scene she does it so well that it gets erotic and intimate and therefore not porn!
Fun twists and absolutely worth the buy and time reading it!
Looking forward for the next book!