Romantik - erotik

Music might bring them together but their high school memories will try to tear them apart!
I thought I would put my high school heartbreaks out of mind.
But then, he comes back into my life
He’s gotten much HOTTER with the years
Those gorgeous green eyes and that crooked smile makes me so WILD…
And this time he wants me to take a big risk!
And guess what?
He says “I’m the only one he LOVES”!
A Full-Length Steamy Rock Star Romance. No Cheating and HEA guaranteed. Bonus Content included in ebook version after the main story.
Min vurdering:
Hot historie, der er meget godt skrevet og har en fantastisk kemi mellem de to hovedpersoner. Historien løber godt ud af siderne og er fængslende på grund af ordbrugen og de uventede handlinger.
Denne historie har gode hede scener og en sød romantik. En historie om, at lade fortiden være fortiden og forsøge, at komme videre med dit liv. Det er ikke let, men den skal konfronteres. At løbe væk er ikke løsningen, fordi den altid kommer tilbage til dig. En fængslende historie, der har meget handling i den.
En bog af god længde og meget godt skrevet. God historie og plot. Personerne er godt beskrevet, og de udvikler sig pænt gennem historien. Deres kemi er fantastisk og lidenskaben hed. De er sympatiske. Jeg kan godt lide den måde, de udvikler sig sammen, og hvordan de finder ud af, at de er et fantastisk par. Denne historie handler ikke kun om de hede scener, men det har hjerte i den.
Jeg kan godt lide, at det er skrevet i dobbelt POV, som giver læseren både tankerne og følelserne af hovedpersonerne. Det gør historien endnu mere følelsesmæssig og fængslende. Nydelse, at læse. En fantastisk romantik og kærlighedshistorie med hjerte og varme.
My opinion:
Hot story that is very well written and has over the top chemistry between the two main characters. The story flows well of the pages and is captivating because of the use of words and the twists that are unexpected.
This story has nice hot scenes and a sweet romance. A story about letting the past be the past and try to get on with your life. It is not easy but it has to be confronted. Running away is not the solution because it always comes back to you. A captivating story that has a lot in it.
A book of good length and very well written. Nice storyline and plot. Characters are well described and they develop nicely through the story. Their chemistry is amazing and the passion hot. They are likeable. I like the way they blossum together and how they find out that they are an amazing match. This story is not only about the hot scenes but it has heart in it.
I like it is written in dual POV, which gives the reader both the thoughts and feelings of the main characters. That makes the story even more emotional and captivating. Enjoyable read. A fantastic romance and love story with heart and hotness.