Over 100 free books!
If you’re a bibliophile, there’s no doubt you’ll think this event is Christmas in July. More than 100 authors have banned together to bring you various tropes of romance so there’s something for everyone. Keeping their readers in mind, authors have included complete stories so there are no sample chapters, excerpts or extended epilogues to books that you’ve never read.
You can expect to find everything from billionaires to secret babies to second chance love and hometown heroes. There are also dark romance and romantic suspense books. With so many books in this giveaway, you’ll have hours upon hours of endless entertainment that you can download immediately. That’s right! There’s no waiting period. You don’t have to “win” anything. Just click on the title that you like and take what you want. There’s no limit. Take one book or twenty books.
Meet New Authors
There are no repeat of books. Each title is presented by a different author. This gives you, the reader, the perfect opportunity to find some new and interesting authors with over 100 free books! Hopefully, you’ll even find something in there from some of your favorite Indie authors. What can be better than when your favorite authors help you find new ones that you’ve never heard of before?
How Long Is This Event?
When the authors got together, they wanted to give readers a few weeks to download and read as many books as they’d like from the giveaway. This 100 free books promotion has a start date of Friday, July 7th and ends on Monday, July 31st. So don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to come back and check to make sure you didn’t miss any good books.
How You Can Help The Authors
By downloading their book, you’ve already helped them immensely. How, you might ask? Because you’re taking a chance on them by sampling one of their stories. But you can do more! Authors love reviews. If you are a member of Goodreads, you can review the free book that you received and recommend that author to your friends. Let’s say you meet some wonderful new authors that you just adore, you can also search for them on social media and follow them. It feels good to know that you have followers on social media, right? Authors are the same way, and many of them love interacting with their readers so there’s a great chance that you can even talk to some of them–and they are some pretty cool people.