Romantik - Erotisk
Amazon Digital Services LLC
Ebog - Paperback

He was someone who belonged in my wildest fantasies instead of a rest stop in the middle of Nebraska.
A sexy, cocky, Australian named Chance was the last person I expected to run into on my cross-country drive.
When my car broke down, we made a deal. Next thing I knew, we were traveling together, spending sexually-tense nights in hotels and taking unplanned detours.
My ordinary road trip turned into the adventure of a lifetime. It was all fun and games until things got intense.
I wanted him, but Chance wouldn't make a move. I thought he wanted me too, but something was holding him back.
I wasn't supposed to fall for the cocky bastard, especially when I knew we'd be going our separate ways.
All good things must come to an end, right?
Except our ending was one I didn't see coming.
Min mening:
Lige fra første side har denne bog fanget læseren med humor, sjove bemærkninger, grin, tårer, smil, ja, den har alt.
Er vild med, at bogen er delt op i to. I første del følger man Aubreys tanker og ser det hele fra hendes side, hvor man så skifter i anden del til Chance.
Historien virker realistisk og er godt skrevet. Jeg kunne ikke lægge bogen fra mig, måtte bare læse den færdig.
De to hovedpersoner har bagage med, som de skal behandle før det hele skal samles igen. Dette giver lidt problemer undervejs. Men med et navn som Chance, hvordan kan han så undgå, at få pigen til sidst. Hvordan kan hun lade være med, at give ham en ny chance?
Chance er enhver kvindes drøm. Han kæmper for, at få Aubrey til, at give dem en ny start.
Sexet historie med få erotiske scener.
Virkelig godt skrevet.
My opinion:
Chance – with that name he just has to get the girl. How could Aubrey NOT give him a second Chance?
LOVED THE STORY! It is so realistic written and well described that I just had to keep on reading.
I liked, that the story is in two parts. In the first part you follow Aubrey and see the story from her side and thoughts and in the second from Chances side.
Chance is every womans dream. He really tries to do the best he can to convince her to take a Chance with him.
Sexy, a few erotic scenes, tears, smiles, witty comments, yes, the story has it all.
Keep up the good written.