Romantik - Erotisk - MFM
Amazon Digital Services LLC

My bosses like to share everything and now they've set their sights on me...
I love my job and am good at what I do. I’m on the cusp of reaching my dreams, but when my path literally collides with my bosses, everything changes.
Leo and Asher are titans of industry, but I have something they need.
When they offer me a job to work on a special project, I know it’s the break I’ve been waiting for, but I’m nervous. I've heard the rumors about them. They do everything together...in the office and in the bedroom.
They're magnetic; gorgeous, intelligent, powerful. Everything I've ever wanted in a man, times two.
I’ve worked hard to build what I have so I’m determined to keep things strictly professional, but with every look, every stray touch, I fall a deeper under their spell.
Min vurdering:
Denne bog er et praktikant/chef tema.
Det har et MFM tema og jeg kan godt lide den måde Samantha Twinn skriver sin historie på. Den har en meget velskrevet historie, hvor læseren ser POV fra alle tre hovedpersoner i bogen. På den måde behøver du ikke gætte, men du får forklaringen på deres valg.
Selvfølgelig er det meget svært for en ung dame, at give sig til to alpha mænd, men … du skal læse bogen for at se, hvad der sker.
Både Rose, Asher og Leo har haft en meget vanskelig barndom fyldt med problemer, og derfor har de meget svært med, at håndtere dette med hensyn til forhold.
Jeg kan godt lide deres kemi meget. Denne bog fangede mig fra begyndelsen af historien, fordi den har det hele – drama, MFM, mørke tanker, kidnapning, sexede alpha mænd, romantik, hede scener og meget mere.
Absolut værd at læse!
My opinion:
This book is an intern/office theme.
It has a MFM theme and I like the way Samantha Twinn write her story. It has a very well written storyline, where the reader sees the POV from all three main characters in the book. That way you do not have to guess but you get the explanation of their choices.
Of course it is very difficult for a young lady to give herself to two alpha males but… well you have to read the book to see what happens.
Both Rose, Asher and Leo has had a very difficult childhood filled with problems and therefor they have a lot to deal with regarding relationships.
I like their chemistry very much. This book caught my from the beginning of the story because it has it all – drama, MFM, dark thoughts, kidnapping, hot alpha males, romance, steamy scenes and a lot more.
Absolutely worth reading!