Romantik - Erotisk - Jomfru/moden mand - Office
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“I need you like a man needs a woman. I need to own you completely. I need to taste you on my lips.”
As soon as my hands landed on my secretary, I knew I had to have her. How can she have worked for me for two whole years, without me noticing the steam rising beneath her innocent soft curves?
Yes sir. Will there be anything else, Sir?
I'm ready to tell her 'yes, there will be something else'. But how can I approach a woman as perfect and pure as Mabel and let her know what I want from her. That I need her stripped bare and on her knees right here in my office. She'd disappear from me forever.
Darcy Eglinton is my boss. An older man who knows what he wants. I've adored him since the day I started, but of course he doesn't have eyes for his secretary. I'm not the right type for a billionaire and anyway it would be so wrong.
And so hot.
Instead of my gorgeous boss, I'm stuck with a cheating boyfriend who shows up demanding forgiveness because it's Valentines.
But all I can think of is my forbidden crush. The man who soaks my thighs while I take his instructions. He's so dominant. So powerful. So delicious, I'd like to lick him.
There's only one Valentine I want from cupid - and to get it I need to be wrapped up in a tight little bow for my billionaire boss.
Min vurdering:
Endnu en fantastisk bog skrevet af Mia Madison. Det, som griber en i hendes bøger er, at det er skrevet så virkelighedstro, at man bare må læse videre. De er svære, at lægge fra sig.
Bogen er kort – kun 122 sider, men den er fyldt med handling og hede scener.
Meget velskrevet med fantastisk kemi mellem hovedpersonerne. Den er fyldt med humor, bekymring, grin, tårer og ja, man kommer i bogen gennem hele følelsesregistret.
Handlingen er god og foregår i et rimeligt tempo. Darcy – jeps, med det navn er der noget, at leve op til 🙂 – gør alt, hvad han kan for Mabel. Desværre mangler jeg lidt, at dette er gensidigt.
Han pukler virkelig for, at hun skal se, han er den for hende. Men der mangler lidt den anden vej.
Der er sexscener med lidt ekstra pikante elementer i bogen. Disse tilføjer lidt mere krydderi til erotikken.
My opinion:
Another great book written by Mia Madison.
What matters to her in her books is that they are written so realistic that you just have to read on. They are very difficult to stop in the middle of.
The book is short – 122 pages – but it’s packed with action and hot scenes.
Very well written with amazing chemistry between the main characters. It is filled with humor, concern, grin, tears and yes, you come to the book throughout the emotional register.
The action is good and takes place at a reasonable pace. Darcy – yes, with that name, there is something to live up to – is doing all he can for Mabel. Unfortunately, I do not find this to be mutual.
He really picks up for her to see, he’s the one for her. But the other way is missing a bit.
There are sex scenes with some extra spicy items in the book. These adds a more spice to eroticism.