Romantik - Erotisk - MFMM
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What could possibly go wrong during a drunken game of truth or dare?
Some couples haver their kinks, and Tom and Beth definitely have theirs. Being exhibitionists is a fun thrill that the two of them share, but Tom has a hidden kink that his wife doesn't know about.
He's always secretly hoped that one day a stranger would join them.
But then the perfect opportunity presents itself one wild night on a camping trip that his wife was never supposed to go on. When the couple starts playing drunken truth or dare with a couple of guys next to their campsite, things quickly get out of hand.
How far is too far when it comes to a dare?
One Wild Night is a MFMM ménage that focuses solely on pleasing the woman. This a complete, standalone contemporary erotic romance novel with no M/M scenes and guarantees a happily ever after. If you've ever wondered what it would be like for your husband to share you with another man, this is a MUST read.
Min vurdering:
Absolut en hed affære, som finder sted i denne bog. Her udleves drømmene på bedste vis.
En campingtur bliver til meget mere end det var planlagt.
Denne bog er velskrevet. Der er hed kemi og erotiske scener. Bogen er skrevet med humor, smil og erotiske tanker, hvilket gør, at man kommer tæt ind på hovedpersonerne. Handlingen er ikke så overdrevet og virker derfor mere realistisk. Handlingen strækker sig over en kort tidsperiode, men der kommer alligevel en del uforudsete ting.
Bogen er kort – 92 sider – men er fyldt med erotiske scener. Dette gør, at den ikke er tilegnet personer under 18 år, efter min mening. Man skal være til det lidt ekstra ellers er det ikke en bog man skal læse. Den har pikante scener og disse er velbeskrevne.
Absolut værd at læse, hvis man er til lidt mere indenfor det erotiske!
My opinion:
Absolutely an steamy hot affair that takes place in this book. Here the dreams are performed in the best way.
A camping trip that becomes much more than planned.
This book is well written. There are hot chemistry and erotic scenes. The book is written with humor, smile and erotic thoughts, which means that you get close to the main characters.
The storyline is not so exaggerated and therefore seems more realistic. The story extends over a short period of time, but there are still some unforeseen twists.
The book is short – 92 pages – but is filled with steamy hot erotic scenes. This makes it not suitable for persons under the age of 18 years, in my opinion.
You have to be in for a little extra or it is not a book you should read. It has spicy scenes and these are well-written.
Definitely worth reading if you have a little more!