Romantik - Erotisk - Millionær - BDSM
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I want her tied up. I want her begging. And I always get what I want.
The girl that slammed into my MacLaren has a mouth on her I'd like to tame. And that's not the only thing I can clearly imagine doing to it. In fact my d*ck's throbbing against my belt, right here on the street just picturing her delicious body bound and spread, bent over the hood of her dented little car.
I tell her it's fate. We were on a collision course to meet.
She demands my insurance papers.
I invite her for a drink and she ices me.
I'm stinking rich and bored to bits.
I'm too old for her.
But I will possess her.
She says no but her trembling lip and rock hard bullet points tell me her panties are soaked through. All she has to do is surrender to what I want.
Min vurdering:
Mia Madison har i denne bog overgået mine forventninger. Den er som altid velskrevet og med en handling, som fænger.
Den er virkelighedstro og kemien mellem de to hovedpersoner gør, at man er med i historien. Dette forstærkes yderligere af, at den fortælles fra begge hovedpersoners side.
Damen er lidt forvirret og har meget omkring sig, som hun spekulerer på, hvor han er mere fattet og bliver forelsket ved første blik.
Han tør tage, hvad han vil have, samtidig med, at han sørger for, at alt falder til, så det hele ender, hvor det skal.
Bog med masser af romance og sex. Kan læses på en god eftermiddag, da den ikke er så lang, men med masser af indhold.
My opinion:
Mia Madison has exceeded my expectations in this book. It is as always well written and with a storyline that captures you from page one.
It is realistic written and the chemistry between the two main characters makes you part of the story. This is further enhanced by being told from both characters opinion.
The lady is a bit confused and has a lot going on about herself, where he is more down to earth and falls in love at first meeting.
He dares to take what he wants, while making sure everything is all the way as it should be, so it all ends in a HEA.
A book with lots of romance and sex. Can be read on a good afternoon, as it is not so long, but with lots of content.