Romantik - Erotisk - Millionær
Amazon Digital Services LLC

It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. There’s just one wrinkle…
Not that Landon Jeffers would ever be caught dead in a wrinkled suit. He’s a matchmaker’s dream client; ridiculously rich, hotter than sin, and not prone to falling for gold-digging bimbos.
I’m supposed to be finding his perfect match. Instead, I can’t stop thinking about the way his hand-stitched suits would look on my bedroom floor.
Even worse, he knows. Everything he says is a scorching innuendo that twists me up and sends my mind spiraling into dark fantasies, all starring him and that half-cocked grin.
One taste isn’t enough. But I can’t go back for more. My future depends on finding Landon the love of his life.
Time is running out and I know what I have to do. Even if it means that I’ll walk away empty-handed.
Matched with the Billionaire is the first in a series of standalone novellas, each with their own guaranteed HEA ending!
Min vurdering:
I denne bog møder man matchmaker Candace. Hun elsker og lever for sit job, hvilket gør, at hun selv ikke har haft tid til, at finde den eneste ene endnu.
Landon Jeffrey er direktør i eget firma og har en ond skilsmisse bag sig. Derfor er han meget påpasselig med, hvad og hvem han falder for. Resultater er, at han stadig er single.
De to mødes tilfældigt en fredag aften på en bar og snakker lidt sammen. Der er øjeblikkelig tiltrækning fra begge side, og så er historien i gang.
Jeg er vild med måden Audra Cole skriver på. Hun får både smil og frustrationer ind i samme historie. Bogen er kort, men absolut en god dags læsning værd.
Kunne sagtens relateres til det rigtige liv.
Meget lidt erotiske scener.
Kan anbefales fra 16+.
Købes som ebog på engelsk.
My opinion:
In this book we meet matchmaker Candace. She loves and lives for her job, which means that she has not had time to find that special someone yet.
Landon Jeffrey is the CEO of his own company and has a vicious divorce behind him. Therefore, he is very careful about what and who he falls for. The result is that he is still single.
The two meet by chance on a Friday night at a bar and talk a little together. There is instant attraction from both sides, and then the story begins.
I love the way Audra Cole writes on. She gets both smiles and frustrations into the same story. The book is short, but definitely a good day’s worth reading.
Could easily be related to real life.
Very little erotic scenes.
Can be recommended from 16+.
Available as eBook in English.