Romantik - Erotisk

I am going to bring this angel down to my level.
I have a reputation in the city. My bar is always open to the right kind of people and everyone who is anyone knows me. The ladies know me as someone else. I am their lover, bad boy, anything they want me to be for the night.
But then Eve moves in downstairs. She is a preacher’s daughter, innocent and I want her.
She’s my one desire. I can already feel her pull like her namesake. I want to do bad things to her.
I’m going to take her innocence and forever make her mine. I will not stop until I have her screaming my name and begging me for more.
Eve is not made for the city, so I don’t know how much time I had. Her family wanted her to marry another, a gentle man.
But I am not a gentle man and with her right downstairs, I knew it was only a matter of time until I had her bending to me. She can’t resist me for long.
I don’t care that I shouldn’t have her. She was too good for me, but that didn’t matter.
She was warned about men like me for a good reason.
I was going to take it all.
Wrong or not, I would have her and I was never going to let her go.
Only Mine is a full-length standalone romance with no cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed HEA. It's only recommended for audiences 18+.
Kort romantisk/erotisk bog. Velskrevet og underholdende. Den får smil og følelsesregistret i gang.
Hovedpersonen Carlos er en hård mand – men det bunder i usikkerhed og angst.
Han er meget indstillet på, at få den kvinde han vil have, hvilken er Eve. Hans nabo.
Problemet er dog, at Eve er fra kristen familie og der er andre, som vil er betaget af hende. Derfor må Carlos mande sig op og indstille sig på, at det ikke altid er nemt, at få, hvad man vil have.
Bogen kan anbefales. Den er meget kort – 90 sider – og tager derfor ikke lang tid, at læse. Der er ikke de store overraskelser i handlingen og slutningen af bogen. Men læsbar.
En god hyggelig bog til en regnvejrsdag i sofaen.
Short romantic/erotic novella. Well-written and entertaining. Get your smile and emotions up in you.
Carlos is a tough man – but it is rooted in uncertainty and anxiety.
He’s very set on getting the woman he wants, who is Eve. His neighbor.
The problem is that Eve is from a christian family and there are other men who is captivated by her. Therefore, Carlos stiffen his back and adjust to the fact that it is not always easy to get what you want.
The book can be recommended. It is very short – 90 pages – and therefore does not take long to read. There are no major surprises in the action and the end of the book. However readable.
A good cozy book for a rainy day on the couch.