Romantik - Erotisk - Millionær

I’m not supposed to screw my personal scheduler.
Not only do I have a sterling political reputation to protect, she’s just too innocent—fresh out of college, and her first job is right here in my new office in DC.
I’m not supposed to want her. I’m not supposed to look at her the way I do. I’m not supposed to notice the curves of her body underneath her little skirt suits, or the way she looks at me when she says Yes, Senator.
But I can’t hold back any longer.
I have to have her.
The Senator is out of my league.
Not only is he devastatingly handsome, he’s just on the verge of being too old for me. I shouldn’t be lusting over a man like him—powerful, attractive, and my boss.
I can’t stop the dirty thoughts I have about him. I can’t stop fantasizing about him after hours…and while I’m sitting at my desk, managing his personal schedule.
It’ll ruin his reputation if anyone finds out…
But how can I say no?
Senator Scandal is a quick, dirty, steamy standalone political romance with an alpha hero who will have you melting, a heroine who’s head-over-heels, and a sugary sweet HEA. If you’re looking for something over the top and molten hot, this is it!
Man kan kun komme til, at holde af senatoren. Han ønsker helhjertet, at gøre alt for de vælgere, som har stemt på ham. Dette uden, at have store skandaler, som følger ham.
Men problemet er blot, at han også ønsker, at få hans personlige assistent. Hun er ung, klog og særdeles tiltrækkende.
Heldigvis har den personlige assistent også en kvik hjerne og tænker absolut det samme om hendes chef. Hun er vildt tiltrukket af ham. De forsøger mod al deres vilje, at undgå tiltrækningen, men det lykkes ikke helt. Heldigvis er der en løsning på problemet.
Bogen er velskrevet, men kunne godt være længere. Absolut god bog – kort, men det værd!
You can only fall in love with the Senator. He wants to serve his District but at the same time he wants the girl.
That is not an easy thing to get through but because of the secretary and her love for the Senator and with that her thoughts towards his seat in the Senate it will all work out.
I love the way the story has been written and I wished it would have been longer 🙂
Great book – short but worth it!