Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy
Amazon Digital Services LLC

She’s a gorgeous, untouched princess… and I’m a monster.
I’ve been utterly smitten with Princess Josephine ever since I laid eyes on her. The way she smiles. The sweet, luscious curves of her pure, never-before-touched body.
I have to be the first to take her.
The only problem? She’s a beautiful, eligible princess looking for a prince with courtly manners - and I’m a ravenous beast.
I’m a huge and hulking, sometimes more monster than man... even though I am a prince. Just not the kind she’s looking for. Ever since tragedy rocked my kingdom years ago, the ugly, vicious rumors about me have swirled endlessly, so I closed myself off from the polite society and the world.
Now? I’m practically feral. Uncivilized. Wild.
And I’m doubly so when it comes to my princess. She sparks something urgent and primal in me, something I can’t even hope to control.
I need to claim her, take her, possess her.
And I won’t let anything stand in my way.
Rule Me Dirty is a sticky-sweet love story about an obsessed alpha hero and the woman he loves. Of course it’s got a Happily-Ever-After ending, and MORE than enough steam to melt your kindle!
For a limited time, I’ve included Boss Me Dirty as a bonus, so Rule Me Dirty ends at around 45%.
Min vurdering:
Hvis du er til erotiske romaner, så er dette bogen for dig.
Parker Gray har som altid inkluderet masser af svedige erotiske scener.
Men bogen har også en handling, og jeg det synes jeg bestemt om. Du får alt på ét sted.
De to hovedpersoner Prinsesse Josephine og Prins Leo har mange ting at håndtere, men Leo tager, hvad han vil og løser derefter problemerne. Leo har længe haft en besættelse af Josephine, men han har nogle mørke tanker, han skal behandle først.
Josephine har hørt mange rygter om Leo, og hun har brug for at finde ud af, om de er sande.
En bog med masser af damp og sexscener, men absolut en bog værd at læse.
Det er den anden bog om de lille land Tommasias prinsesser.
Kan ikke vente med at læse om Florentina.
My opinion:
If you are into erotic novels then this is the book for you.
Parker Grey has as always included lots of hot steamy erotic scenes.
But the book has also got a point and I love that about it. You get all in one place.
The two main characters Princess Josephine and Prince Leo has a lot of things to deal with but Leo takes what he wants and then solves the problems afterwards. Leo has for a long time be possessed with Josephine but he has some dark thoughts he has to come through.
Josephine has heard a lot of rumors about Leo and she needs to find out if they are true.
A book with lot of steam and sexscenes but absolutely a book worth reading.
It is the second book about the small country Tommasias princesses.
Can not wait to read about Florentina 🙂