Tempt me tenderly by Iris Morland

Tempt me tenderly Book Cover Tempt me tenderly
Heron's Landing
Iris Morland
Amazon Digital Services LLC

The most tantalizing of temptations…
Growing up in the small Missouri town of Heron’s Landing, Grace Danvers has loved Jaime Martínez from afar for five long years. A young artist and painter, Grace feels adrift, but one thing is constant: her love for Jaime. To her, he is everything: handsome, talented, and completely out of her league. But when she and Jaime kiss under the stars one fateful evening, suddenly her crush on him transforms into something more—something neither of them can deny.

Can bloom into the most tender of loves...
Jaime came to Heron’s Landing to work as the executive chef at the local vineyard River’s Bend. It has always been a pit stop in his mind—until Grace entered the picture. Now, he can’t stop thinking about his boss’s younger sister, or how she felt pressed up against him as they kissed that night. He knows he should leave her alone: she’s younger than him and innocent. But when Jaime comes under suspicion of stealing from the vineyard, he must choose between what he thought he wanted, and what has become a love he never expected to find.

Min vurdering:

En velskrevet historie om Jamie og Grace. Det er skrevet i dobbelt POV, som jeg kan lide meget, fordi det giver læseren mere af historien. Læseren får begge sider af historien – tanker og følelser fra begge hovedpersoner. Dette er den anden bog i denne serie. Den starter, hvor den første sluttede, men du kan læse den som selvstændig. Jeg vil dog anbefale, at læse den forrige først.
Den har en god historie og plot, men den var meget forudsigeligt. Hovedpersonerne har meget at kæmpe med, og de kæmper deres vej gennem dem. En historie, der har fordomme, romantik, lidenskab og overraskelser i den. Anbefalelsværdig.


My opinion:

A well written story about Jamie and Grace. It is written in dual POV, which I like very much because it gives the reader more of the story. The reader gets both sides of the story – thoughts and feelings from both main characters. This is the second book in this series. It starts of where the first ended but you can read it as a standalone. I would though recommend reading the previous first.
It has a nice story line and plot but it was very predictable. The characters have a lot to struggle with and they fight their way through them. A story that has prejudice, romance, passion and twists in it. Recommendable.

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily wrote a review.

Genre: Romantik