Rock Hard Seal by Rye Hart

Rock Hard Seal Book Cover Rock Hard Seal
Rock Hard
Rye Hart
Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy - Virgin
Amazon Digital Services LLC
Ebog - Paperback

I was hired to protect her at any cost – but all I can think about is turning her over my knee and teaching her a lesson she won’t forget.
Years of training in the Special Forces couldn’t prepare me for Abigail Carter.
From the moment we met at her Dad’s office, I knew I was royally f*cked.
Smart-mouthed. Sassy. And unbelievably sexy.
Her Dad’s a big shot attorney prosecuting the world’s deadliest terrorists– and someone has placed threats on his family.
I was called on to protect her from the bad guys –but who will protect her from me?
I may be her body guard but I’m tempted to teach her who’s really boss.
She's forbidden fruit, and I know that letting my guards down will mean losing everything – so I’ll have to stay focused and treat this like another battle I won't lose.

Min vurdering:

Jeg elskede absolut denne bog og var grebet fra første side.
Du kommer til at elske begge karakterer i denne bog. Abigail har aldrig haft “frihed” på grund af hendes far er en statsanklager.
Man føler medlidenhed og forståelse over hende på grund af dette.
Bogen er fuld af forviklinger. Du kommer til at få spændingen og skal bare læse det hele igennem, når du først er begyndt.
Der er fyldt med smil, grin, tårer, kærlighed og sexede scener.
Elskede at læse en bog, hvor du kan læse historien fra begge karakterers synspunkt.
Hurtig at læse og fornøjelig. Historien er spændende og har faktisk lidt dybde, hvilket var fantastisk.


My opinion:

I absolutely loved this book and was hooked from page one.
You get to love both characters in this book. Abigail has never had “freedom” because of her father is a federal prosecutor.
And you pity on her because of this.
The book is full of twists and turns. You get to fill the thrills and just have to read it all through when you first start to read.
It is filled with smiles, grins, tears, love and sexy scenes.
Loved to read a book where you get to know the story from both characters point of view.
Quick read and enjoyable. The storyline is intriguing and held actual depth, which was awesome.

Genre: Alfahan, Bad boy, Erotisk, Romantik, Virgin
Series: Rock Hard |