Romantik - Erotisk
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Ebog - Paperback

What’s sexier than a bad boy? A bad ass man who’s got his shit together.
Max Alexander is nearing thirty-five. He’s built a successful company, and he’s conquered the professional world, but he’s never been lucky in love. Focusing so much time on his business and raising his daughter, adulting has come at the expense of his personal life.
His social skills are shit, his patience is shot, and at times, his temper runs hot.
The last thing he has time for is the recently single, too gorgeous for her own good young woman he hires to take care of his little girl. She’s a distraction he doesn’t need, and besides, there’s no way she’d be interested. But you know what they say about assumptions?
Min vurdering:
Bogen er om en mand, som uden varsel får afleveret et barn fra dens mor med beskeden om, at det er hans. Han søger derfor en barnepige, og ansætter Addison.
Max har egen virksomhed og har derfor brug for en hjælpende hånd i dagligdagen til hans datter Dylan. Addison flytter ind i huset og så begynder det hele, at bliver lidt indviklet.
Kendall Ryan har udgivet en meget velskrevet bog, hvor man kommer helt ind på de to hovedpersoner. Der veksles mellem deres synspunkter i bogen, hvilket gør man føler man er tæt på dem.
Der er en meget stor kemi mellem hovedpersonerne og de forskellige vigtige scener er godt beskrevne.
Addison har været udsat for noget, som ingen kvinde absolut ønsker sig. Derfor er hun lidt bange for, at springe ud i noget nyt.
Bogen er fyldt med scener, som bringer smil, latter, tårer og lign. følelser frem i læseren.
Absolut en bog man bør læse!
My opinion:
The book is about a man who without warning receives a child from its mother with the message that it is his. He therefore seeks a nanny and hires Addison.
Max has his own business and therefore needs a helping hand in his daily life with his daughter Dylan. Addison moves into the house and then it all starts to get a little complicated.
Addison has been exposed to something that no woman absolutely wishes. Therefore, she is a little afraid of jumping into something new.
Kendall Ryan has published a very well-written book, in which you get to the skin of the two main characters. The book shifts between their views in the book, making you feel close to them.
There is a very large chemistry between the main characters and the various important scenes are well described.
The book is filled with scenes that brings smile, laughter, tears and other feelings.
Absolutely a book you should read!