Romantik - Erotisk - Bad Boy - Alfahan
Amazon Digital Services LLC

I need a fiancee. She needs a f*ck.
But she must have really been craving something, because here I am in her bed, making her scream my name as her hips buck and her toes curl.
And then my brother calls. Wants to know if I'm coming to his wedding.
We don't talk much, and I didn't even know he was engaged, and I feel stupid so I tell him yeah, I'm coming, and I'm bringing my own fiancee.
The fiancee I don't have.
Celia's the only one who knows about my lie, so I make her a deal -- one week of incredible mind-blowing s*x if she'll come to the wedding and pretend to be my betrothed.
It should be easy. Fake it for a week and then 'break up' once we're back home. But Celia's gorgeous smile and sinful curves are making this anything but easy ... in fact, they're making it downright hard.
And you know what they say: lies are like org*sms -- sometimes it's hard to stop at just one.
Min vurdering:
Jeg elskede, at denne bog har humor, bedrag, hed kemi, erotiske scener og drama. Det gjorde bogen meget læselig, og jeg var nødt til at læse igennem for at se, hvad der skete næste gang. Hovedpersonerne er så godt beskrevne og har sådan en fantastisk kemi, at du bare må heppe på de får en HEA.
Den måde, som Cat Carmine har skrevet bogen, fik mig til at føle, at jeg var en del af bogen. Den blev levende. Jeg elsker humor, det er der fra side et.
Jeg kan virkelig ikke bestemme hvem der vinder i aftalen mellem Jace og Celia. En uge med hed erotisk sex, hvem siger nej til det?
Denne bog har mange aspekter, og jeg elsker, at den har en historie og ikke kun er om sex. Det har en masse humor og er meget godt skrevet.
Denne bog er hurtig i tidsperioden, og på trods af det kunne det have været en virkelig historie.
Så jeg kan kun sige, at jeg elskede den og synes det er et must læse.
My opinion:
I loved that this book has humor, deception, hot chemistry, steamy scenes and drama. It made the book very readable and I just had to read through to see what happened next. The main characters are so well described and has such hot chemistry that you just has to cheer for them to get a HEA.
The way Cat Carmine has written the book made me feel I was part of the book. It came alive. I love the humor which is there from page one.
I really cannot decide who is the winner in the deal between Jace and Celia. A week with steamy hot sex, who says no to that?
This book has a lot of aspects and I love that it has a storyline and not just about sex. It has a lot of humor in it and is very well written.
This book is fast paced and in spite of that it seams that it could be a real story.
So I can only say that I loved it and think it is a must read.